Metropolitain is a data visualization
experiment about the parisian subway,
brought to you by Dataveyes.

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Metropolitain is a data visualization experiment
about the parisian subway, brought to you by Dataveyes.

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Time View
Crowd View
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first train last train
Number of stations accessible
from here, for every five-minute long timeframe.

is a datavisualization
experiment by Dataveyes.

One of the most intricate and dense underground networks in Europe, the metro is a central component in the daily life of millions of Parisians. As a result, the official metro map conditions the very way commuters approach time, and space, as they tend to select their journeys based on the perceived smallest distance between two points.

This visualization offers to challenge this conventional view. Metropolitain takes on an unexpected gamble: using cold, abstract figures to take the pulse of a hectic and feverish metropolis.

You are invited to play around with two views: the projected journey time between two stations, as well as the number of people touching in at each station. The metro map is no longer arbitrarily dictated by the spatial distance between two points, but transforms along the user exploration, to reflect its actual accessibility.

Supported browsers

This experiment is supported by recent browsers with webGL support :
Firefox 2.0+, Chrome 9.0+, Opera 12.0+, Safari 5.1+ (source)
but best viewed on Chrome and Safari.


V.0.4 Public Release (2013-03-26)
  • Global visual design update
  • Add UI
  • Add welcome page
  • Set new camera behavior
  • Time view :
    • add graph
    • add time selector
  • Crowdview :
    • add graph
16 stations